Category Archives: Personal

Oh, the Humanity?

We’re only a few days into the new year and I’m ready to go into hibernation…

  • Without going into details, I’ve been doing jury duty where we make decisions if there’s enough evidence for a case to go to trail — first degree murder cases, sex with a minor cases, or cases involving use of deadly force by police. Some of the cases I’ve heard are interesting — you get to play a detective, like one on TV — but for the most part, it’s the dregs of humanity.

    I guess I’m ruled too much by my rational side, that with some of these cases, the decisions made by people just blows my mind. As the events unfold, I get more and more disgusted…
  • I tried reading this article in the New York Magazine on Neil Gaiman. I couldn’t read the whole article; I started getting sick part of the way through it. Allegations against Neil came out last year, but the graphic details in the article just turned my stomach… And then reading comments on Reddit just compounded my feelings.

    I’m torn. I love many of Neil’s works. Based on the accusations, drawn out divorce & custody battle with his wife, and more people coming out against Neil, I’m guessing the article accurately depicts Neil and his predatory behavior. Where a lot of cases we listened to on jury duty were more ruled by passions & emotions, Neil’s behavior sounds down right thoughtful, self-delusion, & psychotic.

    This also means, out of the British comic invasion, I’m disgusted by the personal lives of Neil and Warren Ellis for very similar reasons…
  • And to top things off, there was also this article about Southern Nights in Orlando. I just to drive by the club on the way to bowling, when our league bowled on Colonial Lanes. Not to mention, our league had our end of season party there, to hand out awards and cash.

    I don’t know if it was in that Reddit post or in another one, but there was a link to court document/evidence collected against the owners, including transcripts… Another article that I could only read a few paragraphs of & instantly became disgusted.

…wake me when January is over, maybe February will be better.

The End of 2024

This seemed like a good format to summarize what we did in 2024, by looking at my photo albums:

  • celebrated my 10th work anniversary
  • vacationed in California for our anniversary
  • Legoland, CA seems a little ran down since our first visit in 2001
  • visited Disneyland for the first time in a few years
  • saw Jimbo live on-stage
  • witnessed the solar eclipse
  • replaced both cars
  • move my mom into assisted living
  • we had to cancel another trip to Seattle & miss a friend’s wedding
  • and a lot more pictures of our two furry dogs…

And I’ve spent even more time sorting out my LEGO collection… it’s like it never ends.

Digital Mortality

I’ve been thinking a lot about my digital footprint and what will happen to it when I pass — I know, a little morbid, but if I pass now, I’d think I would disappear from the internet within a few years. My domains will expire at some point. Hosting services will stop being funded. After a few years of inactivity, my accounts will be deleted — emails, public/private photos and documents, work profile, etc.

In high school, I remember in English class we read an except from a diary from the 16th century and I thought to myself, “wow, we can’t achieve physical immortality, but to have my thoughts read/studied by a class of students some 400+ years later would be amazing!” And around the same time I remember watching a Max Headroom episode (S2.E2 Deities) where the reporters go visit a church where “(they are) able to store cortical scans of its members and keep them on-line for the day when cloning is perfected and their personalities can be placed in new bodies” (TVDB). These ideas fascinated me.

We’re not to the point where we can do cortical scans, but we do have a digital footprint that could be stored indefinitely. For awhile, I keep a written journal… that’s become a blog, now. I have a pile of photos, both physical and digital… I’ve been slowly converting the physical ones to digital. I have e-mail conversations with friends going back until the mid-90’s — nothing earth-shattering, but my digital connections. But all of that combined makes up a part of our digital footprint… Stuff like what I post on Facebook or what web-site I visited or what I posted on Reddit — even though a part of my digital footprint — isn’t something I’d consider taking into my digital afterlife.

I’ve started using the Synology Photo app, trying to consolidate/sort out my photos and images… Something happened around August, 2019… After Yahoo sold Fickr to another company… I didn’t renew my “Pro” account and my photo “back-ups” stopped… Shortly afterwards, I upped my iCloud storage… And I started using Google Photo as a backup, but I’m quickly running out of photo storage (I just checked, as of today, I’m under 1 TB of photos)… I have multiple copies of the same photos that it’s driving me crazy. I think problem started when I started looking at different back-up strategies; and has gotten worse over time. I now want to make sure I have a master copy on our NAS & then clean up what’s on iCloud, Google Photos, Amazon Photos, Flickr, etc. I realized with our trip to Japan, I probably took over 2,000+ images — quickly blowing through all of my on-line backup storage. I’ve decided it’s probably better to just keep 1 to 2 years of photos on-line, everything else should be move off to NAS/Synology storage.

I’ve also given up on the idea of having unlimited on-line photo storage, unless I set up some kind of trust fund to curate some type of digital immortality…

2024 – Thanksgiving

The past few years have been pretty much WTH. The constant feeling of waiting for the next shoe to drop. If it’s not transitioning the parents into assisted living, it’s jury duty… If it’s not a hurricane, it’s having another appliance go bellow up right before a holiday. It’s hoping I still have a job after the next re-org. It’s hoping the next 4 years won’t completely bankrupt my retirement. It’s frustration laden with anxiety, without being able to see a silver-lining… And now, I should be thankful.

I found this menu in my parents stuff. It’s where my grandfather served in Europe, during WWII. It’s about 6 months before the end of the war… the war had been going on for about 5 years before, with no real end in sight.

In perspective, what we’ve been going through now is minor… almost a mild annoyance in comparison. We owe a lot to our parents/grandparents. And I’m thankful that my grandfather served food and supplies, rather than on the front lines. He survived and flourished.

…I read the prayer in the above menu, and wonder if “democratic society” still translates or what the prayer would read for modern times…

Splunk .conf 2024

I’m back in Las Vegas to experience CriblCon & Splunk .conf 2024. I wanted to get a good picture of the Sphere, but couldn’t find a good enough angle from the convention center, or Uber. There was a One Piece promotion going on at the time & wasn’t able to get a good video of it. :-/

Since Cisco bought Splunk, the conference felt a little different this year… Or I’m just getting old. The vendor area seemed smaller. The excitement didn’t seem a grand as before. Should be interesting if Cisco continues the conference, or if it gets folded into the bigger Cisco conference.

This was the view from in front of the hotel.


We finally made it to Tokyo, Japan. The flight was exhausting, but not terrible. We got checked into our hotel — The Blossom Hibiya. We loved it — the rooms weren’t too small, the bed was comfortable, the location was not far from a train station, the morning meal was delicious, the view from the lobby was just spectacular. We will definitely stay here again, if we find ourselves back in Tokyo.

Our fist full day in Tokyo, we went to Shibuya Scramble Crossing & the Tokyo Skytree.

Our second full day in Tokyo, we visited the Sensō-ji temple.

Japan Bound?

We are coming up on the end of May. I haven’t had much to write, between the changes at work, planning off/on for our trip to Japan & dealing with things as they crop up… First it was issues with boarding our dogs at our vet… then moving dad into a VA nursing home… being backed into when trying to pull out of a parking spot after putting in a money exchange order (no one was hurt or much damage to the car, but annoying)… then dealing with a new boarding place wanting a “certificate of completion” from a trainer… It’s literally been one thing after another either making my wife want to postpone the trip and me stressed out.

This seems to happen whenever I plan a vacation… I was making plans to do a European LEGO event months before Covid-19 spread across the world. I had booked hotel & flights… planned out our activities… Was researching somethings (local towns to explore) that I thought my wife would enjoy doing that wasn’t 100% LEGO related… But all in all, I think I’m just having flashbacks to 2020, where it was bad news on top of bad news…But to keep things in perspective, what happened with Covid was way worse/sad/world-changing/heart-wrenching than a few personal set-backs and a selfish desire to travel.

Our track-record hasn’t been good… We had to change up what we had planned to do for our honeymoon, and even after postponing it, we traveled a few days after 9/11 for it…

The silver lining for this trip; we’ve had friends that spent 2 week in Japan before we fly out… Sending us tips and warnings — the touristy spots are very crowded, buses and trains are packed like sardines.. plan to do a lot of walking… pack light, hauling suitcases are a pain — as well a sharing fun things try/do — bullet trains are cool… spend time on “kitchen street”… had the best sushi of my life… Makes me more upset/sad/jealous if we have to postpone.

Anyway, back to the 2,000 things we need to take care of before the trip… And if you can’t figure it out from the pictures, the HOA sent us an email saying we needed to power wash our drive way… Because wasting water is fun and helps with stress!

The End of 2022

We’re coming up on the end of 2022… It was better than 2020, but still not back to normal… If I look back through my pictures last year, the things that stand out:

  • my niece graduated collage
  • the wife and I went to a few drag show despite the political climate in FL
  • went to Las Vegas for a conference, then spent a few days afterwards on a mini vacation with the wife
  • survived a hurricane, but had to cancel travel plans to a LEGO event in Seattle
  • attended a good friend’s wedding
  • went on a cruise on the new Disney ship
  • tried a few new places to eat (conveyer belt sushi…)
  • and a lot of pictures of our two furry dogs…

Work is work… we started going into the office a few days out of the week. But I’m still a lot on Zoom calls — I don’t see that changing when half of our team is in a different time zone.

And I’ve spent a lot of time sorting out my LEGO collection…

Daily Life

If I think about this web-site and what the last few posts have been about, nothing has gone as planned… the pandemic, things getting back to normal, our personal lives… it’s all been chaotic. Our trip to Japan has been pushed out another year — the country did open to visitors about a month before the time we set aside to go, but the restrictions were still too great (had to be apart of a tour group) for what we wanted to do. Not to mention, ended up going to a conference for work — which was a nice distraction, but hard not to feel like we traded one tourist trap for another..

And now, it’s too hot to do much outside without suffering bouts of heat exhaustion… Although, the rainy season hasn’t kicked in yet…

Photo is from the Siegfried and Roy’s Secret Garden